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Steven Hackler
Steven Hackler

GloboFleet CC Plus: The Ultimate Software for Driver Monitoring and Violation Tracking


GloboFleet CC Plus: The Ultimate Software for Driver Monitoring and Violation Tracking

GloboFleet CC Plus: The Ultimate Software for Driver Monitoring and Violation Tracking

If you are a driver, a dispatcher or a transport company owner, you know how important it is to keep track of your driver activity and comply with the legal regulations. You also know how challenging it can be to manage all the data from your driver cards or storage devices and create accurate and comprehensive reports.

That's why you need GloboFleet CC Plus, a powerful software solution that works in the legal boundaries of driver monitoring and violation tracking while providing an intuitive workflow. With GloboFleet CC Plus, you can easily import, archive and analyze data from your driver cards or storage devices and generate detailed reports on forecasts, driver violations, events, faults, controls, work shifts, activities, vehicles and traveled countries.

globo fleet cc plus 2.6.2.full.rar

How GloboFleet CC Plus Works

GloboFleet CC Plus is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7 and supports all types of driver cards and storage devices. You can download it from Softpedia and install it on your computer in a few minutes. You can also buy it for Â63.00 from the official website.

Once you have GloboFleet CC Plus installed, you can start importing data from your driver cards or storage devices using a card reader or a download key. The software will automatically detect the device and read the data. You can then archive the data in a secure database and synchronize it with other computers or devices.

GloboFleet CC Plus allows you to view and analyze the data in various ways. You can use a calendar to access an entire day's or month's activity. You can also view graphical representations of the driver's work period, along with information about drive times, violations, events and other aspects. You can filter the data by date, driver, vehicle or activity type.

GloboFleet CC Plus also helps you create and manage detailed reports from the data. You can choose from various report templates or customize your own. You can print or export the reports in PDF, Excel or CSV formats. You can also send the reports by email or upload them to a web server.

Why You Should Use GloboFleet CC Plus

GloboFleet CC Plus is not just another software for driver monitoring and violation tracking. It is a software that offers you many benefits and advantages over other solutions. Here are some of them:

  • It is easy to use and intuitive. You don't need any special skills or training to use GloboFleet CC Plus. The interface is clear and user-friendly and the features are accessible and straightforward.

  • It is reliable and accurate. GloboFleet CC Plus works with all types of driver cards and storage devices and reads the data without errors or losses. It also complies with the legal regulations and standards for driver monitoring and violation tracking.

  • It is comprehensive and versatile. GloboFleet CC Plus allows you to import, archive and analyze data from multiple sources and generate reports on various aspects of driver activity. You can also customize the software to suit your needs and preferences.

  • It is secure and convenient. GloboFleet CC Plus stores the data in a secure database that you can backup or restore at any time. You can also synchronize the data with other computers or devices and share it with others easily.


GloboFleet CC Plus is a powerful software solution that helps you create and manage detailed reports from data generated by driver cards or storage devices. It is easy to use, reliable, comprehensive, secure and convenient. It is the ultimate software for 29c81ba772


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