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Ilya Drozdov

Download PDF: TLE Cookery Grade 10 Quarter 3 Module on Soup and Sauce Preparation

TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF Download Quarter 3

Are you a grade 10 student who wants to learn more about cookery? Do you want to download the TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF for Quarter 3? If yes, then this article is for you. In this article, you will learn what is TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery, why it is important to learn cookery skills, how to download the TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF for Quarter 3, and what are the contents of the module. You will also find a conclusion and some FAQs at the end of the article.


What is TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery?

TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery is a self-learning module that is designed by the Department of Education Division of Pasig City. It is part of the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) curriculum that aims to provide students with essential knowledge and skills in cookery. The module covers various topics such as egg, cereal, starch, vegetable, seafood dishes, and sauces. The module also includes learning objectives, activities, assessments, and enhancement materials to help students achieve the desired learning outcomes.

tle module grade 10 cookery pdf download quarter 3

Why is it important to learn cookery skills?

Learning cookery skills is important for many reasons. Some of them are:

  • Cookery skills can help you prepare nutritious and delicious meals for yourself and your family.

  • Cookery skills can help you save money by avoiding eating out or buying processed foods.

  • Cookery skills can help you express your creativity and personality through food.

  • Cookery skills can help you develop personal entrepreneurial competencies (PECs) and environment and market (EM) awareness that are essential for becoming a successful cook or chef.

  • Cookery skills can help you pursue a career in the food industry or hospitality sector.

How to download the TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF for Quarter 3?

To download the TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF for Quarter 3, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to [this link](^2^) that will take you to a website called Teachmint where you can find the PDF file of the module.

  • Click on the download button on the top right corner of the page.

  • Save the file on your device or print it out if you prefer a hard copy.

Content of the TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF for Quarter 3

Egg, Cereal, and Starch Dishes

Prepare Egg Dishes

In this lesson, you will learn how to perform mise en place, prepare and cook egg dishes, present egg dishes, and store egg dishes. You will also learn about the different types of eggs, their nutritional value, their culinary uses, and their quality standards. Some of the egg dishes that you will learn how to prepare are scrambled eggs, omelet, poached eggs, boiled eggs, fried eggs, and egg salad.

Prepare Cereals and Starch Dishes

In this lesson, you will learn how to perform mise en place, prepare starch and cereal dishes, present starch and cereal dishes, and store starch and cereal dishes . You will also learn about the different types of cereals and starches, their nutritional value, their culinary uses, and their quality standards. Some of the cereal and starch dishes that you will learn how to prepare are rice, pasta, noodles, bread, and pancakes.

Vegetable and Seafood Dishes

Prepare Vegetable Dishes

In this lesson, you will learn how to perform mise en place, prepare vegetable dishes, present vegetable dishes, and store vegetable dishes. You will also learn about the different types of vegetables, their nutritional value, their culinary uses, and their quality standards. Some of the vegetable dishes that you will learn how to prepare are salad, stir-fry, soup, stew, and gratin.

Prepare Seafood Dishes

In this lesson, you will learn how to perform mise en place, prepare seafood dishes, present seafood dishes, and store seafood dishes. You will also learn about the different types of seafood, their nutritional value, their culinary uses, and their quality standards. Some of the seafood dishes that you will learn how to prepare are fish fillet, fish steak, fish curry, shrimp cocktail, calamari, and mussels.


Classify Sauces

In this lesson, you will learn how to classify sauces according to their base ingredients, consistency, flavor, color, and origin. You will also learn about the five mother sauces that are the foundation of many other sauces. The five mother sauces are béchamel (white sauce), velouté (blond sauce), espagnole (brown sauce), tomato (red sauce), and hollandaise (emulsified sauce).

Prepare Sauces

In this lesson, you will learn how to perform mise en place, prepare sauces, present sauces, and store sauces. You will also learn about the different methods of preparing sauces such as thickening agents, reduction, emulsification, and infusion. You will also learn how to season and adjust the consistency of sauces. Some of the sauces that you will learn how to prepare are cheese sauce, mushroom sauce, barbecue sauce, pesto sauce, and tartar sauce.

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TLE Cookery Module Q3 Grade Ten PDF Download Free


Summary of the main points

In this article, you have learned what is TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF for Quarter 3 and why it is important to learn cookery skills. You have also learned how to download the module from a website called Teachmint. Moreover, you have learned about the content of the module that covers topics such as egg, cereal, starch, vegetable, seafood dishes, and sauces. You have also learned how to prepare various dishes and sauces using different techniques and methods.

Recommendations for further learning

If you want to learn more about cookery, you can do the following:

  • Practice the skills and recipes that you have learned from the module and try to create your own dishes and sauces.

  • Explore other cuisines and cultures that use different ingredients and methods of cookery.

  • Watch online videos or read online articles that demonstrate or explain different cookery skills and tips.

  • Join online or offline cookery classes or workshops that suit your level and interest.

  • Visit local markets or grocery stores and learn about the different types of food products and their quality standards.


Here are some frequently asked questions about TLE Module Grade 10 Cookery PDF for Quarter 3:

What are the benefits of using self-learning modules?

  • Self-learning modules are beneficial because they allow you to learn at your own pace, time, and place. They also help you develop self-discipline, self-motivation, and self-reliance. They also provide you with clear learning objectives, activities, assessments, and feedback to help you monitor your progress and achievement.

What are the challenges of using self-learning modules?

  • Some of the challenges of using self-learning modules are lack of interaction, guidance, and support from teachers and peers. They also require you to have access to adequate resources such as internet connection, devices, materials, and tools. They also require you to have a conducive learning environment that is free from distractions and interruptions.

How can I overcome the challenges of using self-learning modules?

You can overcome the challenges of using self-learning modules by doing the following:

  • Seek help from your teachers, parents, or friends when you encounter difficulties or have questions about the module.

  • Join online or offline study groups or forums where you can share your ideas, experiences, and feedback with other learners.

  • Manage your time well and set realistic goals and deadlines for completing the module.

  • Use various sources of information and references to supplement your learning from the module.

  • Create a comfortable and organized learning space that minimizes distractions and maximizes productivity.

How can I assess my learning from the module?

You can assess your learning from the module by doing the following:

  • Answer the pre-assessment, post-assessment, and summative assessment questions that are provided in the module.

  • Check your answers against the answer keys or rubrics that are provided in the module.

  • Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for improvement.

  • Ask for feedback from your teachers, parents, or peers on your performance and progress.

  • Apply what you have learned from the module to real-life situations or problems.

Where can I find more TLE modules for grade 10?

Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks


In this module, you will learn how to maintain computer systems and networks. You will learn how to plan and conduct maintenance, troubleshoot problems, and document your work. You will also learn about the safety precautions and procedures that you need to follow when working with computer systems and networks. By the end of this module, you will be able to perform basic maintenance tasks and ensure the optimal performance and security of your computer systems and networks.

Learning Competencies / Objectives

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

  • Plan and prepare for maintenance of computer systems and networks.

  • Perform preventive maintenance of computer systems and networks.

  • Troubleshoot common problems in computer systems and networks.

  • Document maintenance activities and outcomes.

Pre-Diagnostic / Assessment

Before you start this module, take this pre-diagnostic test to assess your prior knowledge and skills in maintaining computer systems and networks. Answer the following questions by choosing the best option among the choices given. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

What is the purpose of preventive maintenance of computer systems and networks?

A. To fix problems that have already occurred.

B. To prevent problems from occurring or worsening.

C. To replace parts that are worn out or damaged.

  • D. To upgrade parts that are outdated or incompatible.

What is the first step in planning and preparing for maintenance of computer systems and networks?

A. Gathering the necessary tools and materials.

B. Identifying the scope and schedule of maintenance.

C. Backing up data and securing permissions.

  • D. Reviewing the specifications and manuals.

What is a common tool that is used to perform preventive maintenance of computer systems and networks?

A. Antivirus software.

B. Disk defragmenter.

C. Registry editor.

  • D. Network analyzer.

What is a common problem that can affect the performance and security of computer systems and networks?

A. Malware infection.

B. Power outage.

C. Hardware failure.

  • D. User error.

What is a common method of troubleshooting problems in computer systems and networks?

A. Trial and error.

B. Divide and conquer.

C. Root cause analysis.

Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks


Computer systems and networks are essential for many businesses, organizations, and individuals. They enable communication, collaboration, data processing, information sharing, and online services. However, computer systems and networks also require regular maintenance to ensure their optimal performance, security, and reliability. Maintenance involves planning, conducting, troubleshooting, and documenting various tasks and activities that keep computer systems and networks in good condition.

In this article, you will learn about the fundamentals of maintaining computer systems and networks. You will learn about the benefits, challenges, and best practices of maintenance. You will also learn about the common tools, methods, and procedures that are used to perform maintenance tasks. By the end of this article, you will be able to maintain your own computer systems and networks or help others with their maintenance needs.

Benefits of Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks

Maintaining computer systems and networks can bring many benefits for users, owners, and managers. Some of these benefits are:

  • Improved performance: Maintenance can help improve the speed, efficiency, and functionality of computer systems and networks by removing unnecessary files, updating software, optimizing settings, and fixing errors.

  • Enhanced security: Maintenance can help protect computer systems and networks from malware, hackers, unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks by installing antivirus software, updating firewalls, encrypting data, and changing passwords.

  • Reduced costs: Maintenance can help reduce the costs of repairing or replacing computer systems and networks by preventing or minimizing hardware failures, software crashes, data loss, and downtime.

  • Increased lifespan: Maintenance can help extend the lifespan of computer systems and networks by preventing or delaying wear and tear, degradation, and obsolescence.

  • Compliance with standards: Maintenance can help ensure that computer systems and networks comply with the standards and regulations that apply to their industry, sector, or domain by following the best practices and guidelines that are recommended by authorities or experts.

Challenges of Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks

Maintaining computer systems and networks can also pose some challenges for users, owners, and managers. Some of these challenges are:

  • Lack of knowledge: Maintenance can be difficult for users who lack the knowledge or skills to perform maintenance tasks or troubleshoot problems. They may need to seek help from professionals or experts who can provide guidance or support.

  • Lack of resources: Maintenance can be costly for owners who lack the resources to acquire or maintain the tools or materials that are needed for maintenance tasks. They may need to invest in hardware upgrades, software licenses, cloud services, or maintenance contracts.

  • Lack of time: Maintenance can be time-consuming for managers who lack the time to plan or conduct maintenance tasks or document their outcomes. They may need to schedule maintenance activities during off-peak hours or delegate them to other staff members.

  • Lack of coordination: Maintenance can be complex for organizations that have multiple computer systems and networks that are interconnected or interdependent. They may need to coordinate maintenance activities across different departments, locations, or vendors.

  • Lack of backup: Maintenance can be risky for users who do not have a backup plan in case something goes wrong during maintenance tasks. They may lose data or access to their computer systems or networks if they do not have a backup copy or a recovery option.

Best Practices for Maintaining Computer Systems and Networks

To overcome the challenges of maintaining computer systems and networks , you can follow some best practices that can help you achieve your maintenance goals. Some of these best practices are:

  • Plan and prepare for maintenance: Before you start any maintenance task, you should plan and prepare for it by identifying the scope, schedule, resources, and risks involved. You should also backup your data and secure your permissions before making any changes to your computer systems or networks.

  • Perform preventive maintenance: Preventive maintenance is the process of performing regular checks and updates to your computer systems or networks to prevent problems from occurring or worsening. You should perform preventive maintenance tasks such as cleaning, scanning, updating, optimizing, and testing your computer systems or networks on a regular basis.

  • Troubleshoot problems: Troubleshooting is the process of identifying and resolving problems that affect the performance or security of your computer systems or networks. You should troubleshoot problems by following a systematic approach that involves gathering information, analyzing symptoms, finding causes, implementing solutions, and verifying results.

  • Document maintenance activities and outcomes: Documentation is the process of recording and reporting the details and results of your maintenance activities. You should document your maintenance activities and outcomes by using tools such as logs, reports, tickets, or charts. You should also document any changes, issues, or recommendations that arise from your maintenance activities.


In conclusion, maintaining computer systems and networks is a vital task that can help you ensure the optimal performance, security, and reliability of your devices. By following the steps and tips outlined in this article, you can perform basic maintenance tasks and overcome common challenges. You can also use various tools and methods to help you with your maintenance tasks. However, if


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