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Julian Noses

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - 102 - Duel On Ice Anz... [TOP]

Téa finally climbs out of the chasm, and collapses on the ground to rest. Exhausted, she falls asleep, and dreams that she's in school, telling Yugi about her dream of being trapped in a virtual world and forced to duel five old guys. Yugi tells her, no, this is the dream, and when she wakes up, she'll need this card! He gives her Dark Magician Girl, and says that there was a Broadway play about Dark Magician Girl, and they saw it a few years ago. Téa's a bit surprised, but Yugi says it's her dream, so just go with it! (In the Japanese, dream Anzu asks Yugi if he's ever heard of the rare card, Black Magician Girl. He says yes, he has the card, and shows it to her. He remembers that there was a Broadway musical about Black Magician Girl, "Jewel of the Sage," and Anzu remembers attending the show. The writing on the show's sign is removed from the US version. It says "Best Musical" and "The Black Magician Girl in the Moonlight.")

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters - 102 - Duel on Ice Anz...

According to his calculations, there's a one hundred percent chance that they're going to duel! Reading from his notes, he says that she's dueled five times in her life, which gives her a one percent chance of actually winning the duel. (This really annoys me. In Episode 2, Téa is shown dueling Joey, and kicking his butt, which she was said to do on a regular basis. She may not be in Yugi's league, but she's actually a decent duelist. In the Japanese, he says that due to her father's job, her family moved around a lot, and that she attended the Broadway show about Black Magician Girl in New York.) He goes on to list a few more random facts about her, saying that facts and figures are his job. (In the Japanese, he says that she's good at sports, but refuses to join any clubs and instead works secretly at a fast-food restaurant to save money to study overseas.)

Téa's had enough of this, so she turns and runs away, but soon the virtual world changes around her, and she's stuck on an iceberg that rises up out of the ocean, with Crump across from her on another iceberg. A Duel Disk appears on her arm, and virtual cards scroll in front of her. She wonders how she's supposed to choose a deck when she's never even seen most of these cards! It's a lucky thing she's spent so many hours watching Yugi and Joey duel. (Again, grr. In the Japanese, she recognizes one of the cards as the Jewel of the Sage, and thinks maybe it will work. She chooses it, but in the US version, the card is changed to Mirror Force.)

Next, he tells her to choose her Deck Master, and she picks Dark Magician Girl. (Japanese Penguin Nightmare says, two girls! Double the excitement! He's a dirty old man.) He has taken the form of Nightmare Penguin (In the Japanese, it's Penguin Nightmare), and will act as his own Deck Master. Téa activates her Duel Disk with a flourish, telling the penguin it's time to duel!

Téa begins her duel by drawing Mirror Force, which she sets face down, and summons Ancient Elf. Penguin Nightmare summons Giant Red Seasnake. His Deck Master ability gives all water monsters on his side of the field a power boost, so the Seasnake's attack is raised to 2000 points. Téa thinks she's ready for him, but he's not about to ignore her trap card. He plays the magic card Cold Wave, freezing all magic and trap cards on the field for one turn, allowing his Giant Red Seasnake to destroy Téa's Ancient Elf. As her life points take a hit, ice forms around her feet. Nightmare Penguin tells her that as they lose life points, they'll become encased in ice, so that when she loses, she'll be trapped in a solid block of ice.

The gang encounter Noah and [./ _Big_Five the Big Five], all of whom seek revenge on Seto Kaiba and require a body to return to the real world. In order to do this, they intend on defeating the protagonists in individual duels before downloading their consciousnesses into their bodies in the real world. The Big Five then separate them all, sending them to different environments in the virtual world. Téa ends up being separated from all the others and finds herself transported to a large canyon in the middle of a desert. As she wanders deeper into the canyon, hoping to find her friends, she ends up being stalked and later attacked by a gang of four [./ -Me_Giant_(anime) Hitotsu-Me Giants], who believe her to be game for hunting. After spotting one the [./ -Me_Giant_(character) Hitotsu-Me Giants] watching her from the side of a nearby cliff, the giants reveal themselves and surround Téa. She attempts to walk back slowly without agitating the cyclops-giants, but ends up stepping on a loose rock, the noise of which arouses them into attacking her.

Yami's Duel with Yami Marik begins, and everyone is worried about how this Duel will turn out. Téa is cheering Yugi on the whole time but is worried because Yami Marik was able to stop Slifer the Sky Dragon and make a copy of Obelisk the Tormentor. Also, every time Yami loses life points Yugi is slowly being sent to the Shadow Realm and the same with the good Marik every time Yami Marik loses life points. During the Duel, Marik took over Téa again, this time to encourage Yami to in the duel even though victory would cost Marik his life, but he eventually went back into his own body, leaving Téa confused about what just happened, although she quickly got over that and focused on the Duel. Then Odion shows up, which gives Marik the strength to take over Yami Marik for a little while so Yami could win the Duel. Even though the Duel was finally over, Kaiba said they should get off the island because he was going to blow it up. Everyone went on the blimp, Mai was awake and they found Bakura but they noticed Kaiba and Mokuba weren't there so they went to go look for them but couldn't find them. So all of them went on the helicopter to go, and they all see Kaiba and Mokuba leave on a jet of their own.

The gang encounter Noah and the Big Five, all of whom seek revenge on Seto Kaiba and require a body to return to the real world. In order to do this, they intend on defeating the protagonists in individual duels before downloading their consciousnesses into their bodies in the real world. The Big Five then separate them all, sending them to different environments in the Virtual World. Téa ends up being separated from all the others and finds herself transported to a large canyon in the middle of a desert. As she wanders deeper into the canyon, hoping to find her friends, she ends up being stalked and later attacked by a gang of four Hitotsu-Me Giants, who believe her to be game for hunting. After spotting one of the Hitotsu-Me Giants watching her from the side of a nearby cliff, the giants reveal themselves and surround Téa. She attempts to walk back slowly without agitating the cyclops-giants, but ends up stepping on a loose rock, the noise of which arouses them into attacking her.

While she's unconscious, Téa has a dream where she and Yugi went to see a show about Dark Magician Girl, where she is chosen as a member of the audience and gets dressed up in Dark Magician Girl's outfit. She is woken up by the penguin that helped her escape from the giants' lair, which leads her across the Virtual World to a temple made of ice. Inside she meets Crump of the Big Five, who has taken the form of the duel monster Nightmare Penguin .[6] there Crump reveals his intention to defeat Téa in a Duel so that he may return to the real world using her body.

Téa attempts to flee, but Crump imposes a Duel and takes her to an icy region, where both players stand on opposite icebergs in freezing water. Téa is made to assemble a Deck, by selecting from a monitor of cards appearing before her. Though she has played in very few duels, she uses her experiences from her friends' duels to help her pick the right cards to select. After she assembles her deck, Téa must decide on which of the monster cards she selected to be her Deck Master. Remembering her dream, she chooses "Dark Magician Girl" as her own Deck Master, while "Nightmare Penguin" is Crump's.[6]

During the Duel, as Téa's Life Points lower, she becomes engulfed in ice, starting with her feet upon losing her first set of Life Points.[6] Her deck-master Dark Magician Girl, whose deck-master ability allows her to telepathically communicate with her dullest, helps Téa during the Duel by offering advice, strategy, and emotional support. In much of the duel, Téa manages to hold her own against Crump despite her lack of experience in actually playing the game. Towards the end however, Crump manages to gain the upper hand, causing Téa to loose almost all of her Life Points. By the near-end of the duel, Téa's body becomes almost completely engulfed in ice, with only her head and arms uncovered. When all hope seems lost, Dark Magician Girl steps and shows her how to win. Using her Deck Master's effect and the "Sage's Stone" Magic Card to Special Summon "Dark Magician" from Yugi's Deck, Téa is able to defeat Crump as she attacks him with both Magicians.[7]

Unlike Yugi, who is warmer due to wearing long pants and a jacket, Téa begins to stagger from the sheer cold due to her sleeveless shirt. Seeing this, Yugi then selflessly places his coat on her shoulders to keep her warm despite the cold now taking a toll on him. The two then stop for a while, with Yugi expressing his worries for their other friends, particularly Tristan and Serenity, due to their general inexperience with Duel Monsters. When they proceed walking, they eventually find a door that leads to a virtual courtroom, where Joey is Dueling Johnson.[8] The two the proceed to sit among the audience sets and watch as the duel continues. As it goes on, Joey finds himself on the loosing end (secretly caused by Johnson cheating), with all most all of his life points drained. Both Téa and Yugi greatly worry for Joey as he nears defeat, but celebrate when he manages to win in the end. However, when Yugi tells Joey of the threat that the other Big Five members pose to the weaker members of the group, he (Joey) runs off in search of his sister Serenity, with Téa and Yugi following him. 041b061a72


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